MAA will exhibit Istanbul TV and Radio Tower  at Digital Turn, AADRL exhibition at The Building Centre in London. 24 November 2018 - 26 January 2019

It is difficult to say where our imagination will take us and our living spaces in the years to come. The science fiction writer Jules Verne's electric submarines, helicopter and modern city with elevator equipped skyscrapers and gas powered cars were once 19th century dreams turned into reality. We should never ignore our ideas, no matter how unlikely they might seem today.

Digital Turn is a platform for those who dare to dream about how we can better imagine, create and build the spaces we live in. It talks of a fourth industrial revolution, one that blurs the boundaries of our physical and digital worlds and allows us to be more collaborative, efficient and productive in how we build.

So, who and what is leading this change? And what is the wider impact of digital possibilities on our cities and infrastructure? Make sure you visit this experimental space as today is yesterday’s tomorrow and tomorrow’s yesterday.

The Digital Turn has been a physical and metaphorical exhibition platform, demonstrating how digital tools are changing ways of thinking about and producing our built environment.

As the final ‘turn’ in the series, the Architectural Association Design Research Lab (AADRL) will share their current work, practices and research agendas along with those of their graduates, to show how innovative digital design and research tools in educational and experimental establishments are put into practice, changing the conventions of design and fabrication.

Watch Lecture Video