Voyager (Former Architect)

Merubisi Safaris, Founder

Istanbul, TR


1.What's the idea that's obsessing you now?

Since I am writing my answers during the days of a quarantine with gloomy horizon as I feel as numb as a ‘rabbit with a flash light in the eyes’, I can hardly find a straight new answer. I can say that I have been obsessed with ‘love’ for quite a while. Love that is similar to the inhabitants of the wilderness which keeps you going as of a level of serenity without the idea of possession, without contemplating on far ahead, without more, without less, without enraged rebellion nor obedience.

2.What would you like to create next ?

I am not in the mood for any kind of creativity of any solid, but more of observing, listening, sensing, perceiving what has already been created.

3.Where do you go for inspiration ?

Anywhere, which I feel that embodies a certain level of unique touch, regardless of being irrational or rational, forcing you to question and question, and question again, here and there, one day or another that would help you find answers in the relatvity of existence.

4.What is your favorite everyday object ?

A Toyota Land Cruiser V8… I can explain…

5.What’s the last book that made you inspired?

It is not one book, but three written all by an author. I am not allowed to share the names of the books here, for I have given my word until they are published. I have read their final drafts.

In fact, it is not those three books, but the author himself. If someone had asked me who would be the the last person on this planet to write a book, I would have pointed at him. Funny thing is that he had also thought the same way. I couldn’t believe for a while it was him writing those stories and poems, until I had seen him before my very eyes. It is truly inspiring…